Why an Infrared Sauna?

Sauna Therapy has long been recommended by practitioners in alternative health circles because of its known power to remove heavy metals and other environmental toxicants, including mold, plastics, and other chemicals that have become part of modern life. Sauna therapy is known to help the detoxification process of the body as well. Heat and sweat alone have been known to be beneficial for a long time. Today’s infrared saunas offer even more benefits to feel good about.


110-140° F
Deep, penetrating heat
More sweat at lower temps
Enjoyable heat, longer session
Requires less power
Uses infrared light panels as heat source
Less humidity


150-210° F
Surface heat
Sweat happens at higher temps
Extreme heat, shorter session
Requires more power
Uses heat stove at heat source
More humidity

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Sweat out the toxins. Sweating is one of the body’s safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors. With the deepest penetration, Sunlighten saunas’ infrared helps increase blood flow and perspiration.
Weight Loss
Increase metabolism and burn fat. Increasing core body heat increases calorie burn, similar to exercise. Infrared saunas also help with the elimination of toxins that cause fat storage.
Heart Health
Improve heart health. Infrared therapy can help your heart work better by exercising the heart, temporarily reducing blood pressure, and improving circulation.

Reverse aging and renew skin. The near infrared LEDs have been shown to increase collagen and elastin, improving overall skin appearance. Increased circulation also contributes to faster cell regeneration, which helps with appearance of scars. Regular use may also help reduce cellulite trapped beneath the skin.
Heating the body from inside can improve the function of the immune system just like a fever can. Therefore, regular Sunlighten sauna use can help reduce the incidences of cold and flu, or help you recover faster from illness.
Pain Relief
Repair muscles faster. Many professional athletes use Sunlighten saunas to recover from their training and injuries. Infrared helps deliver more oxygen to cells for faster repair and pain relief.

Sauna FAQS

• Wait at least 1-2 hours after eating before beginning an infrared sauna session.
• Hydrate with a minimum of 8 ounces of water to prepare for an increase in core body temperature.
• Listen to your body and adjust based on what it’s telling you. If you feel flu-like symptoms, discontinue and let our staff know.
• Everyone sweats differently. You may not sweat during the first few sessions. Sweat will increase with regular use.
• Rehydrate with 8 to 24 oz. of water or electrolyte drink to replenish fluids.
• Use your sauna session as a warm-up before exercise and continue with your next activity.
• Or, dry off with an absorbent towel, then cool down naturally or with a shower (if doing Float Therapy after Sauna).

Infrared Saunas are a vital wellness regimen, and for many, a program for enhanced health, well-being and reduced symptoms. We recommend a consecutive series of 3 saunas to kick-start your body’s detoxification process and to absorb the many benefits of infrared sauna therapy.

Consistency is key. Just like exercise, you will see more benefits the more you sauna; and you will kick-in to your sweat sooner, faster, deeper with continued practice. Studies are based on a sauna regimen of 3x a week, and we recommend clients with significant health challenges such as autoimmune disease and mold toxicity, sauna at least 1-3x a week, as advised by their health care providers.